
Linux libraries part 1

Linux libraries part 1

In this part 1 about Linux libraries, we will talk about dynamically linked binaries. How symbols are dynamically resolved. The role of PLT & GOT and the linker.

0x0 Intro

The statically linked binary includes all the libraries it needs to work at compile time, but this is not the case for the dynamically linked binary.

Let’s take the image of the part0 again.


For the statically linked, we have a direct call on the printf function.

Let’s disassemble and look inside.


As you can see, we obviously have the printf code.

What about dynamically linked binary?


// ami.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(){

  printf("I'm _R4v3n");
  return 0;
gcc -m32 -o ami ami.c


First we can see that instead of printf we have printf@plt.

Let’s disassemble it anyway and see what’s there.


We see that we don’t have the printf code directly but a jump to a location followed by a push and a jump at the end.

So how is the printf solved?

0x1 The dynamic linker


When starting a dynamically linked ELF binary, the kernel loads the ELF image of the binary into the virtual memory of the user space.

On loading, an .interp section is detected by the kernel.

This section contains the path of a program interpreter.

This is the dynamic linker, /lib/ in my case on the picture above.

Let’s display the content of the .interp section and see what it contains.



Obviously the .interp section contains the path of the dynamic link editor.

The kernel will start the dynamic linker, which initializes and loads the shared objects that the binary needs.

Let’s display the list of shared objects that the binary needs with the ldd command.


Once the linker finishes its work, the original program starts running.

At runtime, the linker will be called again for symbol resolution.

In fact, not all symbols are resolved at runtime.

As long as a symbol is not actually used, it is not resolved: this process is called Lazy binding.

When a function is called for the first time, the linker looks for the address of this function in the libc and provides a mechanism for calling the function: this is called relocation.

How does the symbol resolution process work?

0x2 PLT & GOT | relocation

Several sections are involved in this resolution process.

  • .plt : Procedure Linkage Table. It is used to call external procedures/functions whose address is not known at the time of binding and must be resolved by the dynamic linker at runtime. It contains a piece of code that looks for addresses in the .got.plt section and jumps to the correct address if the address is already resolved, or triggers the code in the linker to look for the address.

  • .got : Global Offset Table This is the actual offset table filled in by the linker for external symbols.

  • .got.plt : It is also a part of the .got. It contains the target addresses (after they have been searched) or a return address in the .plt to trigger the search.

Let’s take a closer look at how the symbol is resolved and what the role of these sections is.

Let’s take this code

// ami.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(){

  printf("I'm _R4v3n");
  return 0;

Let’s compile and debug with GDB to see better.

gcc -m32 -o ami ami.c

In my case I will use the plugin GEF.

The main:


Then a call on printf@plt


The address of our printf@plt call points to the .plt section.

In other words, the address 0x1040 of printf@plt is in the range 0x00001020 - 0x00001060 which is the range of the .plt section.

The content of the .plt section:


The .plt section is composed of sub-sections that can be called entry.

Here we have 4 entry: entry 0, 1, 2, 3 each composed of three instructions.

Entry 0 is a bit special, the other entry follow the same pattern: we have a jump followed by a push and a jump.

  • Entry 2 for printf

  • Entry 3 for exit

At the first instruction of each entry, we have a jump to a pointer.

The processor will dereference the pointer and jump to the address obtained.

If we take a look, we can see that these addresses obtained by dereferencing are close, including that of the 0 entry.

For that, let’s put a breakpoint at the call of printf@plt and run the program to see better.




Obviously these addresses are near each other (0x56558ffc, 0x56559000, 0x56559004, 0x56559008) and all point to the .got.plt section.

We, our call from printf@plt jumps directly to the address 0x56556040 in the .plt section, let’s follow that.

The first instruction is a jump in the .got.plt at address 0x56556046 obtained by dereferencing the pointer DWORD PTR [ebx+0x10].

Let’s display what is at this address obtained.


$ebx+0x10 —-> 0x56559004 (got.plt) –> 0x56556046 (plt)

We can see that this is the address of the next instruction in the plt : 0x56556046 <printf@plt+6>: push 0x8

In other words, this brings us back to the next instruction.

Normally we should get the address of printf at this address 0x56559004 in the .got.plt but we have the address of the next instruction.

You may have wondered why.

If you haven’t asked yourself that question then it doesn’t matter.

This is because we have never called printf before and we need to trigger the first search.

I’m talking about looking up the address of printf in the libc, of course.

Once at the next instruction, offset 0x8 is pushed onto the stack.

After that, we have a jump to the address 0x56556020, which brings us to the entry 0 of .plt

At entry 0, we have four instructions.


The first one stacks the value 0x56558ff8, which is in the .got.plt and points to 0xf7ffd9e0 in the .bss linker section.

$ebx+0x4 —-> 0x56558ff8 (got.plt) –> 0xf7ffd9e0 (.bss in /lib/



On the second instruction we have a jump to the address 0xf7fdc1b0, which is in the .text of the linker.

$ebx+0x8 —-> 0x56558ffc (got.plt) –> 0xf7fdc1b0 (.text in /lib/



Since this is the first time printf is called, the linker is called to look up the address of printf and update the GOT.

Let’s have a look at this .text section of the link from the obtained address.


This is not really the address resolution function but simply calls the real resolution function.

How does it know that this is the resolution of printf but not scanf?

To find out, let’s put a breakpoint at address 0xf7fdc1b0 in the .text of the linker and check the values passed in parameters.



We have two interesting values, the address 0xf7ffd9e0 stacked at entry 0 of .plt and the offset 0x00000008 of printf.

These two values are passed to the actual resolution function.

We can check the values passed as parameters to the real function thanks to the values pushed on the stack(esp+0x10, esp+0 xc).

Let’s put a breakpoint on the real function at address 0xf7fda520, and check if the values are passed.



We can see on the stack our two values.

Thus, thanks to the 0x00000008 offset of printf, the linker will know how to update the .got.plt for the printf.

We won’t go too far into this link resolution function, in another chapter we will talk about it in detail.

Let’s go back to the 0xf7fdc1b0 function and put a breakpoint just after the call at address 0xf7fdc1c0.


Once the printf is solved, you must be able to use it and continue the execution.

That’s what the rest of the code is for in a way.

EAX contains the return value of the real resolution function, its content is pushed on the stack with the instruction : 0xf7fdc1c4 mov DWORD PTR [esp], eax



It is in fact the address of the printf function in the libc: thus printf is well resolved.

Then we change the value of EAX by the address of the string “I’m _R4v3n” which is at offset 0x4 on the stack, this is the target string to print.


As we have the address of printf (in the libc) on the stack at offset 0x0, if we do a ret, this address will be passed to the EIP and the printf function will be called directly.


Let’s do a ni (next instruction) and check the value of the EIP.

We can check that the printf is now executed from the libc.


Should the same resolution mechanism be repeated with each printf call?

Actually no.

Once a symbol is resolved, this resolution process will not be repeated for the same symbol.

For this reason the .got.plt will be updated.

Let’s go back to the .plt.


Before this jump brought us to the next instruction because printf was not solved but now it brings directly in the .text of the libc(/lib/i386-linux-gnu/

If we call the printf again in the code, we will no longer call the linker to look up its address since its address is already available in the .got.plt.

0x3 Exploitation


IBM : Anatomy of Linux dynamic libraries

Sections of an ELF File

Lazy Loading of Dynamic Dependencies